Apply Workplace Safety and Health in Construction Sites (Formerly known as CSOC)

Participants will be able to recognize the common safety hazards at construction site, know the preventive measures to be adopted, confident in working at height and be aware on the importance of observing safety signs and safe work procedures including their rights and responsibilities.

Content: CSOC

  • Identify legal obligations in workplace safety and health
  • Identify hazards in a construction site
  • Understand the Permit-to-Work system
  • Practice safety precautions when working with different hazards
  • Competent in wearing Personal Protective equipment (PPE)
  • Understand and respond to all industrial safety signs
  • Working safely at height
  • Knowing the dangers and precautionary measures associated with confined space operations
  • Knowing the rights and responsibilities of workers working in Singapore


Who to Attend: Mandatory for ALL workers in construction site and  be medically fit &18 years above.

Medium: English, Chinese, Tamil, Bengali, Hindi, Malay, Thai, Burmese

Legal Requirement: All new workers in construction field are required to take the CSOC within 14 days of their arrival in Singapore before their work permits can be issued, and pass the CSOC test within three months.


  • Have employment status as manual labour to carry out construction work in building and engineering construction worksites.
  • Participant must be able to read, write, speak and to manipulate numbers at a proficiency level equivalent to Employability Skills (ES) level 2 (The language in which the course is conducted)  (For workers wanting to take AWSHCS - Vietnamese language, they have to complete Basic English Course before enrollment).
  • Have good organisational skills.
  • Be able to follow written and oral work instructions.
  • Be medically fit.
  • If trainee has failed the CSOC Recertification assessment, trainee is required to apply for the AWSHC/CSOC 2-day course. Trainee has to complete the WSH Microlearning Programme. Need to provide ML e-certificate for verification.
  • Exemption for New or First Time Trainees: New or First Time trainees taking the AWSHC/CSOC 2-day course are not required to show the e-certificate for the WSH Microlearning Programme. New trainees are required to attend the ML Programme, at this juncture. 

For futher clarification please call or drop us an email August International Pte Ltd.

Course Duration: 18 hours, inclusive assessment

Assessment: MCQ and practical.

Attendance: 100%

Certification: Upon Successful completion of the course August International Pte Ltd card will be rewarded.

SDF Funding Available: Up to 70%, Subject to WDA terms and conditions


SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)

*All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their $500 SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses.

Visit the SkillsFuture Credit website to choose from the courses available on the Training Exchange course directory

Skill Development Fund (SDF)

Apply Workplace Safety and Health in Construction Sites (Formerly known as CSOC) All Other Participants Singaporeans/PRs (aged 21 and above) Skillsfuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (Singaporeans aged 40 and above 70% of the course fee)
Individual Non-SME Company SME Company Individual Non-SME Company SME Company
Full Course Fee (exclusive GST) $ 111.11 $ 111.11 $ 111.11 $ 111.11 $ 111.11 $ 111.11 $ 111.11
9.0% GST on nett course fee $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00
Less: Additional funding if eligible under various schemes $ 0.00 $ 55.56 $ 55.56 $ 77.78 $ 77.78 $ 77.78 $ 77.78
Total nett course fee payable, including GST, after additional funding from the various funding schemes $ 121.11 $ 65.55 $ 65.55 $ 43.33 $ 43.33 $ 43.33 $ 43.33

*Note: This is a tentative calculation. Amount may vary after SSG Funding Approval

Funding Eligibility Criteria

Individual Sponsored Trainee Company Sponsored Trainee
  • Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents
  • From 1 Oct 2023, attendance-taking for SkillsFuture Singapore's (SSG) funded courses must be done digitally via Singpass App. This applies to both physical and synchronous e-learning courses.
  • Trainee must pass all prescribed assessments and attain competency
  • August International reserves the right to claw back the funded amount from trainee if trainee did not meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents
  • From 1 Oct 2023, attendance-taking for SkillsFuture Singapore's (SSG) funded courses must be done digitally via Singpass App. This applies to both physical and synchronous e-learning courses.
  • Trainee must pass all prescribed assessments and attain competency
  • August International reserves the right to claw back the funded amount from employer if trainee did not meet the eligibility criteria.

Course Duration:

18 hours

  • Facilitated learning – 16 hours
  • Assessment – 2 hours
    • Theory – 1 hour
    • Practical – 1 hours

Payment Mode:

Nets/Online Transfer

Trainer/Trainee Ratio

1:20 (theory), 1:5 (practical)

Price $111.11