Individual REGISTER


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TG Grant Details


User Details


Course Details


Terms & Condition


Grant Calculation


Payment Details

Schedule Details

Pls take note that this online registration form will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. If you encounter any issue completing the form, please contact us at 6316 8386.

Grant Details

Are you willing to apply Training Grant or Skillfuture Credit? Training Grant or Skillfuture Credit only apply Singaporean or Singapore PR only. Foreigners not eligible for Training Grant.
If you select YES. You allow to Register only NRIC Trainees'. Else you allow to Register any Trainee.

Selected Course can not apply for Grant


User Details

Course Details

  I/We accept above all course terms and conditions


1. Registration

Registration is on a first come first served basis.

Registration is only confirmed upon payment. No reservation of seats is allowed.

For AI registrations, required documents must be submitted to complete the registration. Participants are to provide all information required in regards to registration, and that this information is accurate, complete and current. Participants are to promptly maintain and update said information as to ensure its accuracy at all times.

Register for the right course and verified the course requirements. Failed to fulfil the course requirements, $20 admin fees will be imposed.

2. During Class

Trainees are required to bring along any of the following original/photocopy documents to be allowed to attend the course.
(a) IPA with Passport
(b) Work Permit / S Pass / Employment Pass
(c) NRIC / Passport

Trainees are remainded to be dressed in proper attire. E.g. Long pants, shirts, covered shoes or safety shoes for classes etc. No shorts and slippers or sandals are allowed. 

3. Payment Terms

All fees must be received prior to attending the course.

When registering a course, participant agrees to pay the invoiced amount.

4. Upon Registration

Please ensure participant attend the class. Full course fee will be imposed if participant/s does not attend the class without prior notice. Refer to point 5 for refund policy. All details must be enter correctly upon registration, failure to do $20 admin fees will be imposed.

5. Withdrawal and Refund Policy

All withdrawal and refund request must be made in writing (email). All requests will be subjected to approval (within 3 working days); depending on the case.

Course fees paid to August International Pte Ltd are refundable subject to the following conditions:

Written Notice of Withdrawal is received

  • 30 days prior to commencement of the course: 100% of course fees (with $20 admin fees)
  • 8 - 29 working days prior to commencement of the course: 50% of course fees (with $20 admin fees)
  • 7 or less days prior to the course commencement date: No refund

Refund will be made within 30 days from the date of approved refund.

For cases that applied for funding, refund will be made within 5 to 7 weeks upon internal approval.

Registered participant who does not show up for course with no prior notice will be considered as "Withdrawal without notice" and August International Pte Ltd reserves the right to charge a penalty of 100% of the course fee.

6. Rescheduling of Course

Course rescheduling must be made in writing to August International Pte Ltd and the written notice must be submitted at least 7 working days prior to course commencement.

Rescheduled course dates are subjected to availability of seats, with a $20 admin fees.

7. Replacement of Participant

Participant may nominate a replacement by notifying August International Pte Ltd in writing at least 7 working days prior to the commencement date of the course. August International Pte Ltd reserves the right to reject such request that was notified less than 7 working days with a $20 admin fees.

8. Registering for chosen language

If a trainee does not understand the language in which the course is conducted, he/she will not be allowed to attend the course strictly. FULL course fee is still applicable as this is considered as last minute cancellation. Kindly register the trainees only for the language which they understand (to be able to read and write). After which when choosing another language additional $80 admin fees (inclusive of GST) will be imposed.

9. Punctuality

Participants are reminded to be in class on time. Latecomers are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED into the class.

10. Medical reasoning

Absent due to medical or compassionate grounds, reservist (MINDEF) participants are to inform us in writing latest 2 (Two) working days after the course date with supporting documents or medical certificates.

11. Trainees with Passport

Results will not be uploaded to MOM website, if the trainee is registered for the course with the passport number. Once you have the trainee's work permit number from MOM, please provide it to us so that we can upload the result to MOM website. Trainees have to return the “NU” safety pass and Ai will re-issue another safety pass with the expiry date indicated. A replacement fees of $25 will be imposed.

12. Cancel/Postpone

August International Pte Ltd reserves the rights to cancel or postpone the course within a short notice period due to unforeseen circumstances.

14. Certificate of Participation

Certificate of Participation will only be awarded to participants who attended the full course.

Certificate of Attendance will only be awarded to participants who fulfilled a minimum attendance required. Make up classes are subject to availability.

Participants are required to sign in and out of the class. August International Pte Ltd reserves the right to reject participants who are late for their classes.

15. Re-print Fee of Safety Card

In events of lost or damaged safety card, a re-print fee of $25 (inclusive of GST) will be imposed.

16. Certificate of completion and/or Safety Card

Certificates and/or safety passes will be issued to participants who fulfill the following conditions:
(a) Fulfill course attendance requirements.
(b) Passed the theory examination and/or practical examination requirement laid down by the respective authority.
(c) Course fee is fully paid.
(d) For Company registered courses, participants are allowed to pay and collect their cert/card with additional fees, if company do not wish to pay the course fee.

17. Collecting of all cards and/or certificates

All cards and/or certificates and/or cards must be self-collected or with a letter (with Company’s letterhead endorsed) to be authorised to collect on behalf.
The card and/or certificate, of the participants who have successfully passed the course, should be collected within 6 months from the course end date. The uncollected cards and certificates will be destroyed without any notice, after 6 months from the course end date. An admin fee of $25 per card and $50 per certificate is applicable to reprint the card/certificate, which was already destroyed. 

18. SDF Training Grant
Please note that companies must fulfil the following criteria before claiming SDF training grant:
The Funded Course fees will be partially subsidized by SSG, while the unsubsidized portion of the Funded Course fees has to be pay by the Trainee or his / her employer.Payment to training should be made using only individual/ company GIRO  or electronic bank transfer.

Trainee(s) must be Singapore Citizen(s) or Permanent Resident(s) of Singapore, and must be employed by companies in accordance to the Employment Act except for sole proprietors, partners, working directors, members of co-operatives or commission-based agents.
Trainee(s) must have achieved at least course required attendance percentage.
Trainee(s) must have sat for and passed the examinations/ assessments where applicable.
August International Pte Ltd reserves the right to bill the company the full course fee should receipt of payment from company be delayed.

19. Safety boots

Participant must wear safety boots if need to attend any practical session. Participants must be properly attired. No singlets/shorts. If trainees did not wear the safety boots, they will not be allowed to attend the course and there will be no refund. However rental of Safety boots are allowed with a $5 fees.

20. Practical training

For any Practical training, the trainees and/or their employers warrant and undertake that the trainees is/are in good health and condition and well-rested, or if not, will voluntarily withdraw from Practical training.

21. Liability and Indemnity

Exclusion of Liability and Indemnity: The trainees and/or their employers warrant and undertake that the trainee(s) is/are participating in any Practical training, entirely at the trainee(s)’ own risk and undertake to indemnify August International Pte Ltd against any claims.

22. Copyright

It is acknowledged that all course material, program material or copies remain as the sole property of August International Pte Ltd

The course materials may not be reproduced or utilized for unauthorized purposes, nor forwarded nor disclosed to third parties without August International's prior consent. If any software is made available during the training event, it may not be taken or removed from the training site, copied or otherwise made usable in any unauthorized manner.

Audio and/or video recordings of the lectures and/or practical sessions are strictly prohibited. Any recordings or copies made of course materials will be an infringement of copyright.


For any clarification, please contact us: Tel: 6316 8386 or send email to


  I/We accept above all general terms and conditions

Grant Calculation for Trainees

Grant Calculation not available for this course. So click Next button for proceed payment.

Payment Details

Course Name Course Fees No of Participant Amount
Re-certification - SSIC (HT) S$ 14.02 1 S$ 14.02
Discount S$ 0.00
Subtotal Course Fee S$ 14.02
GST 9.0% S$ 1.26
Total Net Fees S$ 15.28

** Note: Effective July 29, 2024, August International will no longer be able to accept Direct Bank Transfers . Instead, we encourage clients to utilize alternative methods such as credit/debit cards or QR payment through our AI portal Payment Gateway.